笔趣阁 > 执念荣耀(吉螃蟹) > ? 家族篇主题曲 ?

? 家族篇主题曲 ?


        片头曲《Rusty Nail》

        片尾曲《Speed of sound》




        就像这首《Rusty Nail》,前奏一出,哈克骑在红宝石上率领银光骑士团冲进敌军的场面一下子就浮现在我的脑海中了。所以,我也希望读者们有时间也下载听一下,相信我精挑细选的音乐,也一定会为您的读书乐趣增加几个百分点的,嘿嘿。




        【作者】:此人已疯,鉴定完毕。哦,对了,另外向大家透露一个消息,《Rusty Nail》中的电吉他声全部都是由杜德克弹奏的。怎么样,不错吧?嘿嘿,还有,杜德克好像明年要开演唱会了,总共有32场呢,敬请期待吧。


        《Rusty Nail》




        迹切れた 想い出重ねる変わらない梦に

        Oh- Rusty Nail



        Just tell me my life





        Oh- Rusty Nail





        I wanna die

        I wanna live

        I wanna die to set me free

        Day and night

        Night and day

        I wanna live to set me free

        I can die

        I can live

        I can die to set me free

        Day and night

        Night and day

        I wanna live to set me free...






        记忆の扉を闭ざしたままで 震えて

        迹切れた 想いを重ねる靑い唇に

        Oh- Rusty Nail



        Just tell me my life



        苦しくて心を饰った... 今も

































        【Speed of sound 音速】

        歌手:Coldplay 所属专辑:《X&Y》

        how long before i get in 多久之前 我陷入其中?

        before it starts before i begin 从一开始的时候 从我踏出第一步之时

        how long before you decide or 多久之前 你下定决心

        before i know what it feels like 我开始体尝 这滋味

        where to, where do i go? 我该何去何从

        if you never try then you'll never know 如果不试试看 就永远是未知数

        how long do i h**e to climb 我还要攀登多久

        up on the side of this mountain of mine 才能到达 属于我的那片山顶


        look up, i look up at night 深夜 抬头望向天际

        planets are moving at the speed of light 宇宙中繁星变换如光般飞快

        climb up, up in the trees 攀爬着 到达树顶

        every chance that you get is a chance you seize 得到机会 就要把握住

        how long am i gonna stand 我还要伫立多久

        with my head stuck under the sand 十指仿佛陷入沙尘中不可自拔

        i start before i can stop or 在停歇之前我决定启程

        before i see things the right way up 看到万物升腾之前 我决定出发

        all that noise and all that sound 世间喧嚣 不肯平息

        all those places i got found 要去的地方 都在我眼下

        and birds go flying at the speed of sound 飞鸟翱翔天边 比声音划过空中更迅速

        to show you how it all began 是振翅教会你如何启航

        birds came flying from the underground 鸟雀从地底 一飞冲天

        if you could see it then you'd understand 要是你看到了 你就懂了


        ideas that you'll never find 你永远逾越不了的思想

        all the inventors could never design 发明者们永远创造不了的东西

        the buildings that you put up 你建起的摩天大楼

        but you've been in china all lit up 你躲藏在脆弱里自得其乐

        a sign that i couldn't read 一个小小的标志 对我也是如此陌生

        or a light, that i couldn't see 零星之光 我也看不见

        some things you h**e to believe 可周围的事物都在迷惑你时

        when others are puzzles, puzzling me 你必须有自己的依靠和信仰

        all that noise and all that sound

        all those places i got found

        and birds go flying at the speed of sound

        to show you how it all began

        birds came flying from the underground

        if you could see it then you'd understand

        oh, when you see it then you'll understand


        all those signs i knew what they meant 那些标迹我都懂

        somethings you can't invent总有些事你无法创造

        some get made, and some get sent 有的诞生 有的沉沦

        and birds gone flying at the speed of sound 飞鸟却翱翔在空中 以风的速度 永不停息

        to show you how it all began它们教会你如何启程

        birds came flying from the underground 鸟雀冲破尘土 一飞冲天

        if you could see it then you'd understand 你要是看到了 你就会明白

        oh, when you see it then you'll understand 是啊,当你亲眼所见 你就会懂得

